The doctor just called.
Her blood work came back okay, but with low numbers. If I don't see urine by this afternoon or tomorrow morning, then I am to bring her back in. Meanwhile, I need to try to syringe feed her about every hour so that she gets some fluids.
Pray that I don't have to torture her or myself with the syringe. I hope she takes a bottle on her own.
~J. Lo
Prayers coming your way! I hope she does feel better and eat soon. Poor baby girl! I hate seeing little ones suffer. I hope everything works out, so you don't have to feed her with a syringe.
I'm sending you G's photo to cheer you up. I hope you like it! :)
Hugs Janet!!! I hope she pees real soon!!!
I'm sorry to hear your news. I hope she is on the mend now and able to keep things down.
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