The kids and I have been back in Louisiana for two months now, and I'm absolutely loving it!
All of us are getting back into our own routines; Gabe is back into karate and Boy Scouts, and Sarah is doing preschool two days a week, ballet, and gymnastics at The Little Gym. We're busy every evening except for Thursdays and Fridays (though the kids usually go to sleep over at my in-laws on Fridays), and I like that we're involved in things to help pass time, make new friends, etc. Gabe has a few close friends at school, and seems to really enjoy his new life (relocating, for an older child, can be difficult and Sarah is fine with anything that comes along). If I'm not running errands, or going to doctor appointments for my ailments, then I'm usually spending my time decorating our new digs, or reading/researching in the Barnes and Noble cafe.
So much to do, so little time...but, I kinda like it that way. Idleness is the Devil's Workshop.
We rented a great apartment on the 3rd floor with an incredible view of the lake with fountains, and the pool (with outdoor fireplace). And, even though carrying groceries up the stairs is a pain in the butt, our butts are getting quite firm!
It seems that we got back to Louisiana at just the right time. My Dad had a small hemorragic stroke the week before Christmas. He has a high stress career (and does what it takes to be the best at it), and arrived at the ER with a blood pressure of over 200. He stayed in the ICU for about 4 days, was moved to a regular room for about 2 days, and then had a sudden drop in potassium and electrolyte levels that sent him back into ICU for another day or two. He's back home now, and resting. Luckily (very), he has no permanent damage, and hopefully, he will heed the warning and take better care of himself.
I will always be Daddy's Little Girl (yup, we clash our horns at times, but...), and I want him around for much longer.
The month of December was definitely a hectic one for all of us, with getting our household goods delivered, Dad getting sick, etc. January, it seems, will be much better along the lines of mental and physical rest. February brings us to Sarah's 4th birthday, and a trip back to Alaska for me. And early March brings Phillip home to Louisiana to be with us while he is on block leave from his deployment (he leaves the "sandbox" soon!).
Who knows what the future after that holds, but as long as all of us are safe, happy, and healthy, and TOGETHER, I don't think I'll mind a bit about what happens.
Take care, Y'all!