Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy First Week...

Leave it up to Gabe to come up with the idea for a Happy First Week party for Sarah (remember the party we had for Sassy the Tiger at Thanksgiving?). On Saturday night, we had some friends over for homemade lasagna and cake. Of course, little lady chirps up for her feeding right when it's time for us to eat, so I missed out on eating with everyone else, but hey....such is life with a new baby in the house. Oh, and so that you can gauge on how tiny she is, those are teacup saucers next to her on the table.

Gabe has gotten really attached to his little sister. It only took a few days and he is quite smitten. I think he must've kissed her at least 20 times yesterday. He loves helping out whenever he can. Whether it's fetching some more cold water for me, or the very helpful Itzbeen timer...whatever anyone needs, he's happy to oblige. He's still quite intimidated by her small size though, as you can see by the picture of him holding her.

I think we are all adjusting quite well. I have my moments. I still cannot believe that I am the mother of two children. We have our good nights and our bad nights. In the afternoons, Sarah gets a little colicky and so dealing with that and normal family life can be a but tricky. We try to get her to take a pacifier so that she can satisfy her need to suck, but the paci does not stay in her mouth for long (which, I'm okay with...I don't like the idea of it anyway). Thankfully...very thankfully, we have Phil's parents here helping us with Gabe and the house. I'm taking advantage of their help by getting much needed rest, and devising strategy plans and getting prepared for when they are not here. I am thankful though, that in spite of having someone so young and very dependent in the house...I am doing better than I expected that I would. I am also about 4 lbs. over pre-pregnancy weight, which makes me very happy. As soon as I can, I will start walking again in the afternoons to help with the weight loss; maybe afternoon walks will help with my "cabin fever" and Sarah's afternoon restlessness. I also look forward to getting back in touch with my friends and the outside world soon....

1 comment:

Team Manager said...

Happy 1st Week, Sarah! She is just precious. I'm so glad Gabe is adjusting to being a big brother so well. Maybe he can teach Zane a thing or two. And way to go, girl on the weight loss. Isn't breastfeeding just grand!?!?!

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