Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Phillip was interviewed...

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to pass this on to you. Phillip was interviewed by a reporter from a San Antonio newspaper. Here is the link:
Hope that everything is going well on your end.
I'll get to posting again soon; I'm just trying to find my head right now. :)


Debra said...

Wow Janet that is so awesome! Good for Phillip:) I bet you were tickled pink to see that.

Team Manager said...

Thanks for posting the article. I'll be back later to read it.

Team Manager said...

Looks like a good piece for the scrapbook!

JennK said...

How wonderful! Very cool!

Jennifer Bowen said...

Great article! It's good to hear they're safe and well.

How about you? I hope you're alright. Haven't heard from you for a while. How're the kiddos? Were you able to attend the Freedom Walk in school?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Kathy said...

Very cool!

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