Monday, May 30, 2011

Seward... Part Two

"So, the yellow marker is the route we took Pa-Paw.  Things got really rough around Cheval Island. "
"You got really sick, didn't you?"..."Yep, but, I sang my Dora the Explorer song to keep my mind off of things."

I just realized that I can scratch #52 off of "Janet's List"; I didn't get the prize winning whale tail photo that you'd see in say, National Geographic, but it'll do for me for now.

I've also shared the photo of Sarah and Pa-Paw with the amazing ladies at Communal Global.  When you get a chance, swing on over to view some beautiful images from around the world.  I've also shared this picture with Supermom, because...well, I think it's a pretty cool picture.  But, I'm biased!


1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

I have a niece, hubby, and daughter who live on Sitka. However, my Alaskan geography is sooooooo pitiful, I have NO idea where that is in the whole picture of Alaska.

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