Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What a difference a year makes!

These are really BAD pictures, I know but,
above is Gabe's first day of 3rd grade.  

Below, is Gabe and Rebecca's (best friend) LAST day of 3rd grade.

In the past year:
We've acquired a fence.
The back yard has been cleaned up a bit.
Gabe has grown like a bad weed, because he won't stop eating!
Through school, Cub Scouts, and Karate, etc., he's made many friends,
including our neighbor Rebecca.
He broke his ankle, and stuck his tongue to a frozen pole...



Keetha Broyles said...

I wonder - - - do you ACTUALLY live on the tundra. No, I can ANSWER that question for myself, being an Earth Science teacher and all - - - you do NOT live on the tundra, but instead you live on the tiaga. I can say that difinitively since I see TREES. No trees on the tundra.

HOWEVER - - - we live down here, just a bit below your latitude in Central Wisconsin and I ALWAYS refer to this as the Frozen Tundra too!!!

Hehehehehehehe - - - great minds think alike!

Enjoyed your pictures and your blog today.

likeschocolate said...

It is amazing how a school year can make such a difference.

Linda Tunnell said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, so nice of you. Whats interesting is that we were in the military outside of Fairbands for four yrs. many years ago! Got out and went to work for the FBI which took us to texas for 10 yrs. Finally back in WA. I did love the laid back way of life in Alaska, we brought one home at 45 below 0. Bless you and your family for your service to our country. take care!

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